Behavioral finance

Gain insight into behavioral finance, bias mitigation, and the impact investor behavior has on the markets. 

Behavioral finance content

Behavioral finance

Be ready for common behavioral biases that can undercut investment success—and leave clients short of their goals.
Behavioral finance

Avoiding decisions to sidestep regret can hold clients back. Educating clients on a broader strategy can help them achieve long-term success.
Behavioral finance

When clients follow the crowd, they may be heading in the wrong direction. Helping them think independently can lead to smarter investment decisions.
Behavioral finance

Help clients see the value of avoiding the urge to splurge in the moment—and why it could lead to financial rewards later on.
Behavioral finance

Here are 5 ways to help your clients avoid common pitfalls, address their investing biases and stick to their investment plan during turbulent markets.
Behavioral finance

Use this short guide to help guide clients through periods of market volatility. Understand the behaviors to look for and which investment strategies and solutions could help keep them on track.
Behavioral finance

It’s easy to stick with what you know. But for clients, this investment approach can lead to less diversified—and potentially riskier—portfolios. Here’s how to spot and address home bias.
Behavioral finance

It’s great to find other voices that support what you believe. But confirmation bias can be damaging—especially for investors. Here’s how to bring other perspectives to your clients’ financial decision making.
Behavioral finance

Taking a loss is painful. In fact, research suggests that we feel the pain of loss much more than the joy of equivalent gains. But efforts to avoid losses can sometimes introduce new risks that may be damaging for investors.

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