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Insights & Ideas

Do your clients need some diversification from U.S. stocks? Consider international equities, which have performed well since the current bull market began in late 2022.
Chart in a Minute

Are your clients concerned about U.S. equity market concentration risk? Consider complementing their traditional market-cap index strategies with Fundamental Index® strategies. Use this client-approved chart as a conversation starter.
Chart in a Minute

If your clients are concerned about potential concentration risk in today’s U.S. equity market, consider using this client-approved chart to strike up a conversation about Fundamental Index® strategies.

Index content

Insights & Ideas

Do your clients need some diversification from U.S. stocks? Consider international equities, which have performed well since the current bull market began in late 2022.
Chart in a Minute

Are your clients concerned about U.S. equity market concentration risk? Consider complementing their traditional market-cap index strategies with Fundamental Index® strategies. Use this client-approved chart as a conversation starter.
Investment Insights

For investors looking for total return and income, a dividend-focused equity fund may be a fitting choice for a well-diversified portfolio. Read more in this short, client-approved insights piece.
Chart in a Minute

If your clients are concerned about potential concentration risk in today’s U.S. equity market, consider using this client-approved chart to strike up a conversation about Fundamental Index® strategies.

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