Market Volatility
Find guidance on how to respond to short-term volatility or longer market downturns.
Market Volatility content

We explore drivers that may contribute to continued outperformance of European stocks since the bull market began in October 2022.

Tariff policies have been announced and then subsequently rescinded or delayed–but not yet resolved. They may still hold the potential for market volatility.

Markets responded positively during Trump's first week in office, despite threats of tariffs on the three largest trading partners of the U.S. Are trade risks being dismissed?

Economic data and policies out of China are typically delayed until mid-March. Stock volatility may be prevalent until initiatives are clarified after the Lunar New Year.

Surprises most often are hiding in plain sight. Being aware and prepared with a plan for the unexpected are keys to achieving goals.

Business sentiment shows continuing decline; earnings estimates reflect robust growth. Can we expect more optimism post-election, despite policy uncertainties?

On Investing
After a year of podcast episodes, Liz Ann Sonders and Kathy Jones review some memorable moments and reflect on what's changed in this unique cycle.

Tighter fiscal policy in Europe and China may hinder the economic response to easing monetary policy, with a resulting shift in investors' focus.

Turbulent market conditions can make anyone nervous. Here's what investors should know about dealing with them.