Market Commentary

Timely takes on markets and the economy.

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In this tutorial, we'll demonstrate ways to set up the thinkorswim® desktop platform for stock trading.

Learn how to buy and sell stock on the thinkorswim® mobile app for iPhone.

Learn how to use watchlists on the thinkorswim® iOS mobile app. Create and customize your own watchlists.
Bond Insights

Taxable municipal bonds may be an attractive option for investors in lower tax brackets, but there are things investors should know before making a decision.

As businesses worldwide adopt the technology, the innovation of AI may result in market leadership changes, global economic growth, and investor opportunities.

Liquid alternatives offer broader access to unconventional strategies, but may not provide the exact outcome investors expect.

The meaning of "wealth" goes far beyond having a lot of money. It's more about what money can do for you.
Market Commentary

As the credit market grows more stringent, investors should consider high-quality, longer-term bonds. Here are some fixed income strategies.

Bond Insights

Although investing in in-state municipal bonds may have tax advantages, there can be good reasons to buy out-of-state munis.