Portfolio Construction
Picture a framework for portfolio construction that empowers clients to stick with a plan across ever-changing market conditions. With combinations of low-cost passive, strategic beta, and actively managed strategies, our building block approach adapts to fit a range of client goals, objectives, risk tolerances, and circumstances.
A flexible, cost-efficient asset allocation framework
Our ABC asset allocation framework can help you implement personalized portfolio solutions that are easy to explain to your clients and centered around your desired time and comfort level with managing investments.

Three straightforward approaches

Allocates across core asset classes
Strategic asset allocation using traditional market cap-weighted exposures for a diversified low-cost core portfolio designed to meet either total return or income objectives.

Incorporates strategic beta, style, and sub-asset class allocations
Enhances opportunity set by adding strategic beta, value, growth, and other expanded allocation exposures.

Captures active management opportunities
Integrates actively managed exposures to provide additional diversification, and/or meet customized client needs.
Choose your desired level of involvement and complexity
This ABC framework can help deliver a diversified, low-cost core allocation and add degrees of portfolio complexity when it makes sense—all in an easy and scalable way.

Illustrative efficient frontier. Tracking error and cost assume use of a low-cost vehicle such as an ETF or index mutual fund. Underlying investments under A (market cap) and B (styles and strategic beta) are assumed to be represented by low-cost ETFs or mutual funds, and investments under C (active) are assumed to be represented by actively managed mutual funds with relatively higher operating expenses.
Select the approach to suit your clients' goals
Use the ABC allocation framework to meet your clients where they are. We offer approaches designed to pursue different goals: total return and income. And both approaches can adapt to clients' specific risk appetites.

Three ways to leverage our asset allocation framework
Learn more about our model portfolios, available on provider platforms.
Read about 2024 updates to the Schwab Model Portfolios' allocations.
Use our framework and model allocations to implement in your own portfolio management system.
Schwab Target Index Funds use similar asset class exposures as our A total return allocations. Schwab Target Index Funds are target date mutual funds managed by Schwab Asset Management. The funds are composed of individual funds that correspond to target retirement dates (target dates) in five-year increments between 2010 and 2065.
Insights on portfolio construction

Addressing advisor needs in portfolio construction
In this video, Jake Gilliam shares insights into advisor needs around asset allocation and portfolio services, and how Schwab is helping to meet those needs with tailored asset allocation insights and resources.