Fixed Income

Read our views on trends in the fixed income market affecting bonds, CDs, and money markets.

Fixed Income content

Bond Insights

Our outlook is still positive, but it may be difficult to replicate the strong returns of the past few quarters.
Bond Insights

There have been several big changes in the municipal bond market lately. Here's what you should know.
Bond Insights

Short-term bond yields are high currently, but with the Federal Reserve poised to cut interest rates investors may want to consider longer-term bonds or bond funds.
On Investing with Kathy Jones & Liz Ann Sonders
On Investing

Kathy Jones and Cooper Howard interview Jane Ridley from S&P Global about how municipal bonds are rated.
Bond Insights

Credit quality in the muni market likely has peaked, but we believe states' strong rainy-day funds and other attributes will lend stability in the near term.

Income and diversification are important when creating an investment plan, but timing of cash flow may be more important for part of a portfolio when money is needed soon.
On Investing with Kathy Jones & Liz Ann Sonders
On Investing

Kathy Jones and Liz Ann Sonders explain their investing philosophies and how they analyze market data.

Liquid alternatives offer broader access to unconventional strategies, but may not provide the exact outcome investors expect.
Bond Insights

Although investing in in-state municipal bonds may have tax advantages, there can be good reasons to buy out-of-state munis.

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